“He spends a lot of time on the Internet”

“Do not worry, this hobby will pass sooner or later,” explains the children’s psychiatrist Daniel Marcelli (Daniel Marcelli). – In the meantime, agree with a teenager about the time that he can spend on the Internet “.

“Teenagers at 13-15 have a huge need for socialization: they are eager to know the world and themselves, and independently – without the help of parents. The Internet gives them such an opportunity. Suscript on the forums, communicating in chats, adolescents speak freely about their feelings, share ideas and fantasies. They open to people. In fact, we


do the same when we read the book or meet with friends, is it worth dramatizing the situation? Perhaps virtual communication seems superficial to us, but here, too, love and friendship, quarrels and resentment arise here. The screen simplifies contact, helping shy adolescents to become more emancipated and sincere.

Problems arise if your child is sitting at the computer for hours and it is impossible to distract him. He is passionate about a virtual dialogue, enthusiastically knocks on the keyboard and … ceases to notice those who live nearby. Do not forbid him to go on the Internet – you just send a teenager from yourself. Set the time frame, and the faster you do it, the better – it is much easier to reconcile with new borders at 13 years old than 17. Friendly correspondence on the Web? Please, but not at the expense of study, family relationships and sleep, which is so important now for his health. Tell the teenager that such acquaintances are dangerous. In a chat under the mask of a friendly person, a pedophile can always be hidden. Warn your son or daughter so that under no circumstances to inform anyone of their full name and address and do not meet strangers. Do not be afraid that an intensive network life will limit the social capabilities of a teenager. The peak of interest in web public usually falls for 15 years, and then comes to naught-to leave a place and time for real relationships “.

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